The Senior Members of Gyancity Research Labs

Karan Singh
Senior Member
Gyancity Research Lab
-KARAN SINGH is a faculty member in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi, India
Dr. Karan Singh received the Engineering degree (Computer Science & Engineering) from Kamala Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, UP, India and the M.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering) from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology UP, India. He is Ph.D. (Computer Science & Engineering) from MNNIT Allahabad deemed university. He worked at Gautam Buddha University since Jan 2010. Currently, he is working withSchool of Computer & Systems Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. His primary research interests are in computer network, computer network security, Multicast communication and Software Define Network. He supervised many Master Degree students (M.Tech.). He is reviewer of IEEE & Elsevier conferences. He is reviewer of International Journals and IEEE Transaction. He is an Editorial Board Member of Journal of Communications and Network (CN), USA. He published more than many research papers in journal and good conference. He organized the various workshop, Session, Conference and training. Dr. Singh worked as General Chair of international conference (Qshine) in year 2013 at Gautam Buddha University, India. Recently he is going to organize a workshop on “PYTHON”. He nominated for Who’s who in World in year 2008. Dr. Singh has been joined as Professional member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) U.S.A, Computer Society of India(CSI), Secunderabad, India, Cryptology Research Society of India (CRSI), Kolkata, India, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Singapore, Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST), America, International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong, Association of Computer Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ACEEE), India, Internet Society(ISOC), USA and Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC).

Bishwajeet Pandey
Co-Founder, Gyancity Research Lab, &
Gyancity Research Consultancy
Dr. Bishwajeet Kumar Pandey has completed his PhD from GSSI-Italy.
Dr. Bishwajeet Kumar Pandey (PhD: GSSI Italy)
Dr. Bishwajeet Kumar Pandey has completed his PhD from GSSI-Italy. Bishwajeet Pandey has worked in Chitkara University Research and Innovation Network (CURIN). He has also worked as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at South Asian University (University declared under SAARC Charter) and visiting lecturer in IGNOU on weekends. He has completed M. Tech. from IIIT Gwalior and done R&D Project in CDAC-Noida. Before that, he has total 7+ year experience as Web Manager in Web Sanchar India, Assistant Professor at Fortune Bright Paramedical Institute, ASP.NET 2.0 Developer at Tours Lovers Private Ltd and IT Manager at LaCare Farma Ltd. He has received Gate Fellowship from Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India and Junior Research Fellowship from UGC. He is a Life Member of Computer Society of India (CSI) and Professional Member of IEEE and Associate Member of The Institution of Engineers (India) (

Kartik Kalia
Co-Founder Gyancity Research Lab
Kartik Kalia is working as a Convener in conference organized by Gyancity Research Lab
Kartik Kalia

Uday Shankar Pathak
Director, Gyancity Research Lab
IT Head in Gyancity Research Lab and Gyancity Research Consultancy Private Ltd.
Uday Shankar Pathak

D. M. Akbar Hussain
Gyancity Research Lab & Gyancity Research Consultancy
D. M. Akbar Hussain is a professor in the Department of Energy Technology
Aalborg University.
D. M. Akbar Hussain
D. M. Akbar Hussain is working as an associate professor in the

Pushpanjali Pandey
Director of Gyancity Research Lab & Gyancity Research Consultancy
Pushpanjali Pandey is a Director of Gyancity Research Labs and Gyancity Research Consultancy Pvt Ltd.
Pushpanjali Pandey
Pushpanjali Pandey is

M.F.L Abdullah
Gyancity Research Lab & Gyancity Research Consultancy
Mohammad Faiz Liew Abdullah received BSc (Hons) in Electrical Engineering (Communication) in 1997.
M.F.L Abdullah
Mohammad Faiz Liew Abdullah received BSc (Hons) in Electrical Engineering (Communication) in 1997, Dip Education in 1999 and MEng by research in Optical Fiber Communication in 2000 from University of Technology Malaysia (UTM). He completed his PhD in August 2007 from The University of Warwick,

Swarn Singh
Director-Mathematics Division
Swarn Singh is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics of Sri Venkateswara College
of Delhi University.
Swarn Singh
Swarn Singh is an Associate Professor in

Lubna Luxmi Dhirani
Irish Conference Convener
Lubna Luxmi Dhirani has done MSc in Business Information Technology from Southampton Solent University, UK.
Lubna Luxmi Dhirani
Lubna Luxmi Dhirani is currently pursuing her PhD in Hybrid Cloud Computing from the University of Limerick. She has done MSc in Business Information Technology from Southampton Solent University, UK. Lubna has worked as a lecturer for 3 years and taught various IT-based courses at SZABIST – United Arab Emirates Campus and ISRA University, Pakistan. She did her Bachelors in Computer Systems Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan.

Dr. V. Ajantha Devi
Senior Member
Dr V. Ajantha Devi is working as an Assistant Professor, Guru Nanak College, Chennai.
Dr. V. Ajantha Devi

Rajiv Sapra
Director-Polytechnic Division
Rajiv Sapra is presently working as Head of Department (Electronics) at Ambala City – Haryana.
Rajiv Sapra
Rajiv Sapra is presently working as Head of Department (Electronics) at Government Polytechnic, Ambala City – Haryana. He has done his B.E in Electronics and Communications from Nagpur University. He completed M.Tech from NIT, Kurukshetra in

Mr. Sachin Sharma
Chapter Head of Gyancity Sharda University
Mr Sachin Sharma is working as an Asst. Professor in the Dept. of Electronics & Communication
Mr. Sachin Sharma

Dr. Muhammad Aamir
Vice-President, Pakistan Chapter, Gyancity Research Lab & Gyancity Research Consultancy
Dr Muhammad Aamir received BS in Electronics Engineering from 1998 and MS degree in Electronic Engg.
Dr. Muhammad Aamir

Dr. Goutam Sanyal
Senior Member
Gyancity Research Lab
Dr Goutam Sanyal is designated as Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dr. Goutam Sanyal

Dr. Abhay Saxena
Senior Member
Prof. Abhay Saxena is Head of Department of Computer Science at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalya, Hardwar, Uttrakhand
Dr. Abhay Saxena
Prof. Abhay Saxena is Head of Department of Computer Science at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalya, Hardwar, Uttrakhand, India. He holds Doctoral Degree of Computer Science in the area of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). He had been associated with many International Conferences in the capacity as Keynote Speaker and Reviewer which includes AICS 2013 Langkawi, AICS 2014 Thailand; AIPR 2014 Kuala Lumpur; ICAET 2014, Dubai; TICSIC 2014, Turkey etc. He had also delivered Technical talks in Swinburne University, Australia,

Dr. Neha Sharma
Senior Member
Neha Sharma is an Associate Professor in
Dr. Neha Sharma
Neha Sharma is an Associate Professor in

Dr. Pankaj Khanna
Senior Member
Pankaj Khanna is an Assistant Professor in
Dr. Pankaj Khanna
Pankaj Khanna is an Assistant Professor in

Dr Syed Hyder Abbas Musavi
Convener, Pakistan Chapter
He is PhD and ME in Telecommunication Engineering under HEC Scholarship and B.E. in Electronics Engineering.
Dr Syed Hyder Abbas Musavi
Dr Syed Hyder Abbas Musavi is PhD and ME in Telecommunication Engineering under HEC Scholarship and B.E. in Electronics Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology. He is currently serving as Dean Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology Indus University Karachi. Previously he was engaged as Chairman Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Hamdard University Karachi. In past he has served as Professor and Principal at Petroman- an Institute of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications, Government of Pakistan at its various campuses for more than 10 years and had also remained Executive District Officer IT (EDO-IT) District Government Larkana. He has also served as Business Development consultant and Senior Technical coordinator at National Testing Service (NTS). To his credit are more than 25 research publications in national and international journals. He has attended numerous international conferences as

Vidhyotma Gandhi
Gyancity Research Lab
Vidhyotma Gandhi

Tanesh Kumar
Head of Finnish Operation
Tanesh Kumar

Head of Malaysian Operation

Teerath Das
Head of European Operation
Teerath Das(M’2013)
Teerath Das
Teerath Das(M’2013)

Professor Dr BS Chowdhry
President, Pakistan Chapter
Professor Dr BS Chowdhry is the Dean Faculty of Electrical Electronics and Computer
Professor Dr BS Chowdhry
Professor Dr BS Chowdhry is the Dean Faculty of Electrical Electronics and Computer Engineering and former Director IICT at Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET), Jamshoro, Pakistan. He has the honour of being one of the editor of several books “Wireless Networks, Information Processing and Systems”, CCIS 20, “Emerging Trends and Applications in Information Communication Technologies”, CCIS 281, “Wireless Sensor Networks for Developing Countries”, CCIS 366, “Communication Technologies, Information Security and Sustainable Development”, CCIS 414, published by Springer Verlag, Germany. He has also been serving as a Guest Editor for “Wireless Personal Communications” which is Springer International Journal. He has produced more than 10 PhDs and supervised more than 50 MPhil/Masters Thesis in the area of ICT. His list of research publication crosses to over 60 in national and international journals, IEEE and ACM proceedings. Also, he has Chaired Technical Sessions in USA, UK, China, UAE, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Pakistan, Denmark, and Belgium. He is

Atiqur Rahman
President, Bangladesh Chapter
Md. Atiqur Rahman (M'2013), was born in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. He has over 4 years of Industry experience in R&D
Atiqur Rahman
Md. Atiqur Rahman (M'2013), was born in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. He has over 4 years of Industry experience in R&D and Operational areas. He received his B.Sc. in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering from Daffodil International University (DIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Gurpreet Singh
President, Gyancity Communication Society
Gurpreet Singh

Md Mahbub E Noor
Convener, Bangladesh Chapter
Md Mahbub E Noor is a Bangladeshi by born. He joined as a faculty member in the University of
Md Mahbub E Noor
Md Mahbub E Noor is a Bangladeshi by born. He joined as a faculty member in the University of Barishal, Barishal-8200, Bangladesh in 28th

Madhu Maya Limbu
Head of Bhutan Operation
Madhu Maya Limbu is born and brought up in Bhutan. She has completed her bachelor’s degree as BCA
Madhu Maya Limbu
Madhu Maya Limbu is born and brought up in Bhutan. She has completed

Hashim Minwer
Head of Sri Lanka Operation
Mohamed Hashim Minver is working in Addalaichenai National College of Education, Sri Lanka as
Hashim Minwer
Mohamed Hashim Minver is working in Addalaichenai National College of Education, Sri Lanka as

Amit Karn
Head of Nepal Operation
Amit Karn,
Amit Karn
Amit Karn,

Hashmatullah Noori
Head of Afghanistan Operation
Hashmatullah Noori was born in Kabul, Afghanistan. He received his B.Sc in Mathematics from Kabul University.
Hashmatullah Noori
Hashmatullah Noori was born in Kabul, Afghanistan. He received his B.Sc in Mathematics from Kabul University.

Sweety Dabas
Senior Member
Sweety Dabas is working in Maharaja Surajmal Institute as
Nov 2010.
Sweety Dabas
Sweety Dabas is working in Maharaja Surajmal Institute as

Noura M. Aleisa
Noura M. Aleisa is born and brought up in Saudi Arabia. She has completed her bachelor’s degree as Bachelor of CSE
Noura M. Aleisa
Noura M. Aleisa is born and brought up in Saudi Arabia. She has completed her bachelor’s degree as Bachelor of Computer Science from Umm Alqura university in Saudi
Sujit Thakur
Nepal Chapter
Sujit has completed his Masters in Computer Science from South Asian University and has over 10 years of industry experience.
Sujit has completed his Masters in Computer Science from South Asian University and has over 10 years of industry experience in the field of ERP [SAP], Big Data, Analytics. His area of expertise is mainly in the field of ERP. His interests are in Data Science, Data Analysis and visualization. He is also very keen on teaching programming, algorithm and

Kavita Goswami
Kavita Goswami was born in Panipat, Haryana. She has received Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in
Kavita Goswami
Kavita Goswami was born in Panipat, Haryana. She has received Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in Electronics and Communication from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.

Amanpreet Kaur
Amanpreet Kaur is a leading scientist in energy efficient design devoted her life to solve the problem of energy crisis.
Amanpreet Kaur
Amanpreet Kaur is a leading young scientist in the field of energy efficient designs and devoted her life to solve the problem of energy crisis. She has received B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE) from Kurukshetra University in 2012 and M.E.(ECE) from Chitkara University in 2016. She worked as a Project Trainee at CSIR-CSIO. She is pursuing

Kanika Garg
Kanika Garg has completed 4 Year Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering
Kanika Garg
Kanika Garg has completed 4 Year Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from Ambala College of Engineering and Applied Research (ACE&AR) in 2013. Currently, she is pursuing M.E. from Chitkara University, Punjab Campus. Her area of Interest is Internet of Things Enable Design, Energy Efficient Design, Low Power Design,

Aditi Moudgil
Aditi Moudgil has completed 4 Year Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering
Aditi Moudgil
Aditi Moudgil has completed 4 Year Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from Guru Nanak Institute of Technology (GNIT) in 2013. Currently, she is pursuing M.E. from Chitkara University, Punjab Campus. Her area of Interest is Internet of Things Enable Design, Energy Efficient Design, Low Power Design,

Sumita Nagah
Sumita Nagah has completed 2 Year of Master of Engineering(M.E) in Computer Science and Engineering
Sumita Nagah
Sumita Nagah has completed 2 Year of Master of Engineering(M.E) in Computer Science and Engineering specialization-Information Security from PEC University of Technology former known as Punjab Engineering

Vikas Jha
Vikas Kumar Jha had completed M.Tech (CSE) in Advanced Networks from ABV
in the year
Vikas Jha
Vikas Kumar Jha had completed M.Tech (CSE) in Advanced Networks from ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management Gwalior in the year 2013, having

Sunny Singh
Sunny Singh is Research Scholar and he is currently working in Chitkara
University as a lecturer.
Sunny Singh
Sunny Singh is Research Scholar and he is currently working

Meenakshi Bansal
Meenakshi Bansal

Neha Bansal
Neha Bansal

Shubham Gargrish
Shubham Gargrish

Diya Garg
Diya Garg is working as Assistant Lecturer in Chitkara University. She has completed her Btech from Rayat and Bahra University.
Diya Garg
Diya Garg is working as Assistant Lecturer in Chitkara University. She has completed her Btech from Rayat and Bahra University (Ropar Campus

Harkinder Kaur
Harkinder Kaur is working as Assistant Lecturer in Chitkara University. She has completed her Btech from Chitkara Univ.
Harkinder Kaur
Harkinder Kaur is working as Assistant Lecturer in Chitkara University. She has completed her Btech from Chitkara

Vishal Pradhan
Vishal Pradhan is a hardcore mathematician. He basically works in
Vishal Pradhan
Vishal Pradhan is a hardcore mathematician. He basically works in

Sakshi Aggarwal
Sakshi Aggarwal was born in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. She has completed her Master in Technology (M.Tech.)
Sakshi Aggarwal
Sakshi Aggarwal was born in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. She has completed her Master in Technology (M.Tech.) in Microelectronics and Embedded Technology from Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University, Noida. She has received

Dr Mohsin Jami
Visiting Scientist
Dr Mohsin Jami is working as an assistant professor and deputy head in
the department of
Dr Mohsin Jami
Dr Mohsin Jami is working as an assistant professor and deputy head of

Dr. Manpreet Singh
Senior Member
Dr. Manpreet Singh

Jitender Grover
Er. Jitender Grover is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer
Jitender Grover
Er. Jitender Grover is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Sadopur, Ambala, India since July 2012. He received his M.Tech from MM University, Mullana. After his two year career as an Assistant Professor

Atul Sharma
Atul Sharma

Ashutosh Kumar Singh
Ashutosh Kumar Singh currently pursuing
Ashutosh Kumar Singh
Ashutosh Kumar Singh currently pursuing