5th International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC).

18-20 February 2026

University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Rd, Houston, TX 77004

The main objective of ICAIC'2026 is to present the research from different application of AI and Cybersecurity in Business, Healthcare, Management, Environmental Science, Engineering, and Social Science. This conference provides a platform for researchers and scientists across the world to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Business, Management, Environmental, and Social Science. This conference also provides an opportunity to interact and establish professional relations for future collaboration. The conference aims to promote innovations and work of researchers, engineers, students and scientists from across the world on Advancement in eBusiness, Management, Environmental, and Social Science. The basic idea of the conference is what more can be done using the existing technology, and resources.

Important Dates

Paper Submission 5 December, 2025
Paper Acceptance Notification After review of 2-3 reviewers
Regular Registration 30 December, 2025
Conference 18-20 February 2026


Below are the topics for the conference. We welcome original contribution in the core areas of AI or Cybersecurity or applied areas of AI or Cybersecurity :


  • Track 1: AI or Cybersecurity or Both in E-Commerce
  • Track 2: AI or Cybersecurity or Both in Cyber Physical System
  • Track 3: AI or Cybersecurity or Both in Critical Infrastructure
  • Track 4: AI or Cybersecurity or Both in Smart Home/Smart City Architecture
  • Track 5: AI or Cybersecurity or Both in STEM
  • Track 6: AI or Cybersecurity or Both in IT Infrastructure
  • Track 7: AI or Cybersecurity or Both in Cyber Ranges
  • Track 8: AI in Cyber Security
  • Track 9: AI or Cybersecurity or Both in Climate Change
  • Track 10: AI or Cybersecurity or Both in Applied Computing & Big Data
  • Track 11: AI in Ethical Hacking and/or Pen Testing
  • Track 12: AI in Malware Analysis and/or Digital Forensics
  • Track 13: AI in Threat Hunting and/or Bug Bounty
  • Track 14: AI or Cybersecurity or Both in Innovative Technologies and Services
  • Track 15: AI or Cybersecurity or Both in Engineering
  • Track 16: AI or Cybersecurity or Both in Healthcare
  • *AI includes Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Federated Learning and so on